Waterwise Landscaping
How much water and time can you save by removing your lawn and xeriscaping?
Here is the same yard, designed two different ways. The first has lawn only, and the second is a xeriscaped yard. The math for total gallons assumes both yards are fully established (at least three years old). A newly landscaped yard will require significantly more water to keep the roots moist while they establish.
Environmental Differences
The xeriscaped yard will have significantly less pollution than the lawn yard because there is no lawn mower.
The xeriscaped yard can provide habitat for birds, beneficial insects, lizards (Yay!), and pollinators. The lawn-only can provide habitat if it isn’t mowed. Otherwise, frequent mowing can end up killing many of the frogs and other small creatures in a lawnmower.
The xeriscaped yard can provide food for wildlife through berries, fruits, nectar, and pollen sources. The lawn-only yard can provide food and pollen through dandelions and clover, if they aren’t treated with herbicides.